ATTINY88 Development Board Digispark Expansion Board Compatible with NANO V3.0 Improved Board

SKU: FA1010-6
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50 in stock




ATTINY88 Development Board Digispark Expansion Board Compatible with NANO V3.0 Improvement Board

The  ATTiny88 (16.0Mhz) microcontroller development board is similar to the Arduino series development board, but it is more cost-effective, smaller and more powerful. Thanks to the familiar Arduino IDE, Tiny88 is a development Board that can quickly get started with electronic DIY, which is a good alternative to other oversized and overly complex development boards.
ATTiny88 is manufactured in addition to the pin headers that need to be soldered by the user. The other components are fully assembled and the welding is convenient and simple.
Support for Arduino IDE 1.0+ (OSX / Win / Linux)
5v or 7-24v via USB or external power supply (12v or lower recommended, automatic selection)
Onboard 500ma 5V Regulator
Built-in USB
26 I / O pins (only when your program communicates actively via USB, 2 for USB, otherwise
You can also use all 26 after programming via USB)
8k flash (approximately 6k after bootloader)
Onboard I2C and SPI interface
With 26 PWM pins (software PWM, only two hardware PWMs (D9, D10))
With 8 ADC pins
Power LED and test/status LED
Volume (mm): 44.5×18.3×3

Additional information

Weight 0.006 kg
Dimensions 4.45 × 1.82 × 0.3 cm

Arduino IDE 1.0+ (OSX / Win / Linux)

via USB or external power supply

5v or 7-24v (12v or lower recommended, automatic selection)

I / O pins

26 (only when your program communicates actively via USB, 2 for USB, otherwise
You can also use all 26 after programming via USB)


Onboard I2C and SPI


8k (approximately 6k after bootloader)

PWM pins

26 (software PWM, only two hardware PWMs (D9, D10))

ADC pins



Power LED and test/status LED


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